
Given the right nutrients your body can heal itself.

Nutritional therapy uses food as medicine, (just as nature intended) to correct physiological and neurological symptoms rather than needing to turn to conventional medicine that often suppresses or gives you a new set of unwanted symptoms.


What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy for rebalancing diets

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how WE get you there

Nutritional Therapy is based on rebalancing your diet to reduce unwanted symptoms naturally without the need for unnecessary medication, which often doesn’t look for the why behind your symptoms.

Laura will teach you what balanced nutrition is; establishing the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your body. 

Discover the right balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids through increasing, decreasing or eliminating specific food groups depending on your symptoms and scans.

Learn the important axis of effective elimination through regular detoxification for gut healing and effective nutrient absorption. 

Discover which foods are causing an allergic or intolerant response within you and learn what the safe substitutes are to eat.

Learn common trigger foods to avoid.

Overcome cravings and naturally boost your metabolism addressing unwanted weight gain, or weight loss.

Discover which natural nutrient rich supplements can help boost your healing and banish unwanted physiological and psychological symptoms.

Personalised Nutritional Therapy

Bespoke for You

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, gluten or dairy free, Laura works specifically with your requirements. 

With Laura's extensive nutritional knowledge, experience and Biofeedback machine she helps you get to the root cause of your symptoms and restore your body back to full health.


Symptoms we can help



Discover what your allergens, intolerances or food sensitivities are and learn how to reduce them.



Optimise your body with the right nutrients for healthy conception, pregnancy and baby.


MEntal health

Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, grief, loneliness, irritability or anger.


Reduce constipation, diarrhoea IBS or IBD, haemorrhoids, gallstones or ulcerative colitis.



Boost your immune system with nutrient rich foods and rid your body of harmful pathogens.



Vitamin, mineral and amino acids rebalancing to get the best of your body and mind.


Chronic fatigue, stress, adrenal burnout, fibromyalgia or dizziness.



Learn what to eat, what not to eat and when for a better nights sleep.



Improve your monthly cycle; regularity, cramps, ease flow and moods.



  • A Nutritional Therapist is trained to look at health related symptoms and determine if these are being caused by or made worse by specific foods or by specific nutrient deficiencies. To also maximise your body’s potential by eating nutrient rich foods, regular detoxes and eliminating potential trigger foods.

  • For chronic issues we tend to recommend between 6-8 sessions depending how long you’ve been experiencing your current issue and how complex it is. For more simpler issues an introductory session is often adequate.

  • If you taking any medication or supplements, please bring them along to your initial session for Laura to check.

  • You will get additional support when embarking on a programme -

    Recipe and meal prep ideas.

    PDF to foods to avoid and what to eat more of.

    Weekly scans of your vitamins, minerals and amino acids to track your progress.

    Resource recommendations such as apps, books, podcasts.

    Food diary resources.

    WhatsApp support throughout to address any issues that may arise outside of your session.

  • Fats are vital for your body. They are needed to produce hormones and synthesised from HDL cholesterol. Certain vitamins, called fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed with fat.

    However, there are good and bad fats (to be avoided). Good fats are, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oily fish. Bad fats, are trans fats are what to be avoided.

  • Trans fats naturally begin as vegetable oils in liquid form, but through a manufacturing process called hydrogenation they get turned from liquid into solid fats. This process causes the vegetable fat to take on saturated fat properties making it unhealthy.

    Eating foods rich in trans fats increases the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream and reduces the amount of beneficial HDL cholesterol. Trans fats create inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. They contribute to insulin resistance, which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • A nutritionist is trained to help you reach your goals in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

    Generally after completing the 6 week programme, (as long as you’re well and symptom free) I recommend the 80/20 rule. Clean eating 80% of the time, then allow yourself some treats.

    I am not a purist, but will teach what foods produce which symptoms, so you can take control of your health and achieve wellness beyond working with me.


Ready to claim your health back?
