Allergy Testing

with biofeedback therapy

Are you suffering with unwanted symptoms from food sensitivities, intolerances or allergies?

It's sometimes difficult to know exactly what is causing which symptom. 

This is where we can help.

We take the guesswork out, so you can take control of your health.

Symptoms we can help

Allergy testing using Biofeedback Therapy can treat the following

Gastrointestinal - IBS, IBD, Celiac disease, Crohn's, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhoea

Respiratory - Asthma, tight chested, wheezing, or persistent cough

Skin - Itching, hives, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, spots or acne

Pains - Headaches, inflammation, sinus pressure or fatigue

Sinuses - Sneezing, nasal drip, coryza/rhinitis, sinusitis, Anosmia (loss of smell), Ageusia (loss of taste)

Allergy Testing

with Biofeedback

The Benefits

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THE Benefits

✓ Painless and non-invasive, no needles, or skin testing required making it ideal for allergy testing children.

✓ No need to eat certain foods causing more unnecessary reactions.

✓ You have the choice of meta scanning (from a distance) or can be attached to the device by head strap sensors.

✓ Identifies allergies against a huge database of potential allergic reactions.

✓ Biofeedback technology to ensure optimum treatment.

✓ You are told your results during your consultation.

✓ Cost effective.

The Scans

We can test and treat the following using Biofeedback device

FOOD sensitivities

  • Grains - gluten, wheat, pasta, bread, rice, oats, rye

  • Dairy - cows milk, butter, eggs, cheese

  • Fish - shellfish; lobster, crab, clams, mussels, prawns, cod, halibut, salmon, tuna, hake,

  • Tree nuts - almonds, brazil, cashews, chestnuts, coconut, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine, pistachio, walnuts

  • Legumes - chickpeas, lentils, black beans, peanuts

  • All fruits

  • All vegetables

  • Caffeine - tea / coffee

  • Alcohol - red wine

  • Tobacco - tobacco smoke

ENVIRONMENTAL sensitivities

  • House dust

  • Pollen - privet pollen

  • Asbestos

  • Animal dander (skin/fur): cat, dog, horse, rabbit

  • Wool, cotton, silk, velvet, polyester

Additional EMF feedback

We can set additional EMF feedback in your Biofeedback therapy treatment to enhance your healing.

  1. Reduce histamine

  2. Release emotions

  3. Relieve inflammation

  4. Add adrenal stimulation

Sinus & Throat scan

Scan & feedback specific parts of your anatomy and diseases that you are suffering with, helping us to get to the root cause of your symptoms and boost your healing.


Scan & feedback specific parts of your anatomy and diseases that you are suffering with, helping us to get to the root cause of your symptoms and boost your healing.


Scan & feedback on specific vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are out of balance protect you against unwanted symptoms and diseases.

Session Options

Book an Introductory Session, or the Allergy Programme using the form below.


A full consultation is 60 mins. Includes your full medical history, any medications and or supplements you are on (so please have them to hand) and discussions of what you want to achieve with your health.

You will experience Biofeedback's 7000 element scan, where we will begin to uncover the root cause of your main symptoms and you will receive the rebalancing EMF feedback, which is what clients rave about.

We can work on variety of issues from; fatigue, exhausted adrenals, burnout, pathogenic stress, mental health issues, over thinking, hormonal disruptions, food sensitivities, intestinal toxins to name just a few.

Please note only two scans per Introductory Session can be covered (due to time), but depending on which Wellness Programme you choose more scans will be available.



Discover what you’re body is sensitive to and let Laura guide you to make the necessary changes to help heal your gut.

Ready to book?

Complete the booking form

Fill in the form and select your session type to book your session.


Some allergens can cause very strong allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) that are potentially fatal. In this case it is advised by medical experts to always carry an EpiPen, Auvi-Q, or an Adrenaclick. Laura’s nutritional advice in no way undermines such guidance. It is only available as complementary support. To avoid known strong reactions, a strict elimination diet is vital and will be advised.

The results obtained by the L.I.F.E. System device can only give hints to physical states in which the presence of a particular imbalance is likely. The final diagnosis must be confirmed by other methodologies such as X-ray or MRI in any case. For further information please visit the LIFE System's head office - New York.